The ACAPI project (CGL2015-69888-P) "Analysis of global change in the Iberian Peninsula: an integrated climate and land cover laboratory 1950-2030" is a project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness developed during the years 2016 -2018. It is the natural continuation of the DinaCliVe project (CGL2012-33927) developed during the period 2013-2015. The ACAPI project advances in the understanding of the influence of anthropic activity on natural systems and of global change itself (in synergy or not with natural variability) on ecosystem services. To this end, an e-laboratory has been set up that integrates time series of climate maps, land cover and socio-economic data. This allows us to obtain invaluable information from a spatio-temporal point of view.
Viewer of climatic maps: In this navigator you can display and check the changes in the average, maximum and minimum temperatures between the years 1950 and 2015. The data is provided by weather stations of AEMET. These data points are interpolated for digital and continuous weather maps by MiraMon software.
Viewer of land cover maps: In this navigator you can display and check the changes in land covers within recent decades. The sources of data are the images obtained by the sensors of Landsat satellite series, selected by five-year periods. These images are subjected to digital image classification provided in mapping land cover.
Visor de datos socioeconómicos: Desde el siguiente "portal" se puede tener acceso a información socioeconómica constituida por datos de población histórica para España y Portugal. Se incluyen además variables extraidas el censo agrario del año 1999 y 2009.